Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rest, Relaxation, Recuperation, Rejuvenation, Revitalization… I don’t really care what ya call it, but you NEED it.

We all have our own word for it, but we all need time to heal. But, by heal, I mean physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. The idea of healing physically and mentally might seem somewhat obvious – good. But, I am still going to talk about it. The idea of healing emotionally and spiritually might make some sense when you stop and think about it, but you might not have automatically associated it with your CrossFit experience, and I think that maybe you should.

Physically, this topic would cover bed time rest, post workout recovery, and injury recovery. They are all important and each of us will have a different need for each of those. It depends on the intensity of your workouts, how messed up your health is, your Food Plan (and if you are sticking to it), your mental state, your emotional status, and your spiritual strength.
When I say Rest, I mean sleep. I am talking about quality sleep. I have no idea how parents do this, I can only hope that you do get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep on occasion. (Parents are pretty amazing peeps!) Most of us recognize the value of sleep. It is nice to feel well rested rather than feeling like you are hanging on by a thread until you get your next fit of sleep in just to have another crazy day. But, did you know that the lack of sleep can slow down your efforts to lose weight? Or that it can mess with your cortisol levels which are associated with stress and belly fat, and that the lack of quality sleep jacks your insulin around. Some people believe so strongly in the need for sleep, that they put it on the top of their list of how they take care of themselves. That is right, it is above workouts and high quality food.
Post Workout recovery is different for each of us too. Post WOD recovery includes tending to the muscles you just pummeled and some high quality replenishment. There is also some thinking about a Contrast Shower. I would love to hear your feedback on that if you have tried it. Effective Active Warm Ups prior to your WOD is actually the first step to your Post WOD Recovery. And, stretch it all out when you are done and still warmed up. And, you gotta drink oodles of water! And, not just on the workout days. All the time. If you keep well hydrated during your Rest Days, it is easier for your body to flush toxins out of your system. Seriously consider the fact that you work hard at your job and you get paid for it. Well, after a workout, your muscles would appreciate a paycheck or two also. They worked hard for you, give ‘em some love!
Then there is that other issue: Injury Recovery. I am pretty smart, and I can find some slick sites to point you to, but I aint no doctor. I am not here to push the Lawson Health Care Reform Bill. But, if you saw a doctor, follow the instructions you were given. If you do not like the directions, seek a second opinion. If you still don’t like them, you might want to consider where the problem really lies – patient or doctor??? With that said, there are some smarty pants out there who are bold enough to offer advice on managing injuries. I have read it, and it made some sense to me.

Mentally, this topic would cover the day to day frustrations that we all encounter, the snarky comment made by the boss that eats at you, problems at home, etc. While I am certainly not going to say that the need for mental recovery means you should skip a workout, I do think you need to make a decision. As you know, I had cancer in December. Prior to having the surgery, I would have been an uncontrollable basket case if I had not had the chance to workout some of my stresses. But, I went into each workout knowing that my mind was not in a good place so I was not going to be disappointed with lack luster performance. I just needed to keep moving. As much as I do think that was a good way to handle a tough situation, it also meant I did a lot less mental healing when I should have. I delayed the inevitable. I still had concerns that I needed to deal with, and just moving and sweating was not going to get that done. Again, I am not saying that a workout should be skipped when you have things on your mind, but I am saying that I don’t want you to kid yourself. Physical work will probably not be a good substitute for the work you need to do in your mind, but it just might be what you need to do to get through the concern that is on your mind. And, I hope that each of you have far more fun things on your mind anyway.

They say there are four very basic emotions: Glad, Sad, Bad, and Mad. Glad covers happiness. Sad covers regret, sadness, and loneliness. Bad covers things like guilt, fear, and anxiety. Mad covers anger and frustration. But, we all know, it is not that simple at all. Emotionally, things are a complex mixed up bag of who knows what from day to day and sometimes minute to minute. When our emotions are so strong that they are our primary motivator, we are not our selves. You need to take time to acknowledge the emotions, decipher where they are coming from, tend to the uglies, and embrace the warm and fuzzies. If you are an emotional mess, it is up to you to fix it. Lowe’s does not have the tools but there are tools out there that could help. I don’t want to go on about this too much, although I do think it is humongously important. If you need more information, post a comment (even anonymously) and I will expand on this.

Spiritually, we all get mired down. Whatever church you go to or philosophy is your religion, I venture to say that we all have a set of spiritual beliefs that keep us centered. But, things go awry and we all get off center for all sorts of reasons, many of which are outside of our own control. The thing is, when you loose that centered feeling that is such a core part of who you are, other pieces of your life will demonstrate less strength. Your emotional fortitude will suffer, your mental state will be less steady, and I bet your physical stamina will end up in the toilet at some point. Keep working out, but get your heart where you need it to be so that the rest of you can fall back in place too.

Sometimes we need to take time off. It sucks, hard. But, you have to. My month off to heal from surgery was not optional. I hated it. I missed you guys so much. It messed with my mind, a lot. Here is a post that helped me with the situation. I hope you never need a WOD sabbatical, but if you do, that post has some interesting insight.

So, put all of this together, and you get your much needed chance for your body, mind, and spirit to take a collective inhale and then sigh deeply.
∞ Go to bed early.
∞ Take a walk with a loved one, hold their hand, and smile the whole way. When done, give your strolling partner a hug. Wasn’t that nice?
∞ Go fly a kite. Feel the breeze in your face.
∞ Play some music and sing out loud. Dance if you are not driving, especially if you are not a good dancer. Thanks for being my cheap entertainment!
∞ Attend a church service or some synonymous event.
∞ Family Game Night – and it is ok if your kids beat you.
∞ Commit a random act of kindness. Often.
∞ Delegate, and I mean really let them do it. Appreciate the work they did.
∞ Ask for help. I promise, it is so worth it!
∞ Laugh with your pals, a lot.
∞ Arrive to things on time or early. Arriving late is stressful to you and the others who were waiting.
∞ Know of something to look forward to next week, next month and next year. If you don’t already know what those would be, figure it out.
∞ Make a decision, and stick with it. You have thought about it long enough.
∞ Plan time for yourself and then actually use it for yourself instead of others.

There, doesn’t that feel better?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

2010 CrossFit Sectionals Qualifier for the Central East Regionals

Some people do not realize that CrossFit can also be defined as a sport. Outside of our daily WOD’s, rest, injury management, and Food Plans, there is this amazing thing that happens in July in Aramos, Californa called the CrossFit Games. Each year the Games get bigger and better, and the winner is crowned the Fittest Person on Earth. They actually have two crowns, one for women and one for men.

CrossFit 180 has their own little queen, as if you did not know. April Garner has been busy preparing her body for the Sectionals and I got to watch her compete at the Central East Sectional Qualifier against athletes from Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, and Ohio at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH on Sunday, March 7. I did not get to walk around and see much of what was going on at the Classic, I just focused on the CrossFit piece. That was cool enough, I did not need anything else to try to keep track of.

Saturday, March 6 was the morning of the Indy 500 Festival Mini Marathon 10k training run. So, I did that run, dashed home to shower and pack an overnight bag and headed East to grab some sleep before April’s big day. The day was huge, on so many levels. Pretty much anyone was welcome to register and participate in the first three workouts. If you had physically survived and done well enough you got to participate in the fourth workout. The TOP 20 ladies TOP 20 men get to go to Regionals.

I got to the facility just in time to see the area with the equipment set up and give April a big ole hug. The place was amazing. The spectator set up was not perfect, but the equipment that the athletes were going to be using was awesome, and that is the part that counted the most. Rogue Fitness provided a snappy set up.

WOD 1 - Sandbag Relay Sprint, for Time!
Ok, that title really does not do the work justice.
Start facing forward, turn around, pick up the first Sandbag, sprint to the other side, sprint back, pick up the sandbag and sprint to drop it off, etc. Each sandbag got heavier as they worked through the pile, as their legs became more and more fatigued. They had to shoulder the sandbag prior to starting their sprint. It was more than ‘keep moving’, they had to work smart and not make mistakes with their feet.
I was so nervous for her. The first workout heat was to start at about 8 am, but the men went first, so the ladies had to wait for what felt like forever to get going. They had a little area off to the side where the athletes could warm up. They had weights and Concept 2 Rowers and some elbow room to do some air squats and stretch. Many athletes were running warm up sprints in the convention center lobby.

During the workout many tripped, in fact many tripped multiple times. Some were so destroyed by this first workout, they just could not continue through the day. Groin pulls and hamstring tears were just a few of the injuries. April did not like her score after this workout. She walked it off, talked it out, and kept going like the machine we know that she is.

Event First place finisher time – 01:13
April’s time – 1:27

WOD 2 - Burpee, Deadlift.
7 Reps - Deadlift #155 - 11 Reps - Weighted Vest Burpees 15LB - 5 Rounds For Time!
We all know that April loves a Burpee and she is fond of a DeadLift too. But, try doing the Burpee with a weight vest. Holy cow, and Wow! Again, aside from the fatigue they were fighting, the weight vest is tricky. You can get it tight so that it does not flop into your head each time you drop for the Burpee, but then you cannot breathe to do the DeadLift.
Of course, April did really well in this. As strange as it sounds, I think she started to feel better with this one out of the way.

Event First place finisher time – 03:48
April’s time – 06:01
Her time was so competitive she moved up in the overall standings. Nice Job April!!

At some point before the third Workout Arnold Schwarzenegger showed up. It was pretty cool and funny when someone in the crowd yelled “You can DO IT!”. Sorry 'bout the phone in the pic... you take what you can get. ;)

Row 500M - 15 Reps OHS 65LB - Row 500M - 15 Reps Toes to Bar - 2 Rounds for Time!

April found a great rhythm for this one. She seemed to be in a zone and nothing was going to stop her. Obviously, she does not get to Row very often so this was a huge challenge for her. But, she toughed it out, did her very best and did well enough to continue progressing up in the standings so she was In for WOD 4!

Event First place finisher time –11:43
April’s time – 14:53

WOD 4 – The Final WOD
15-12-9 of
Clean & Jerk (105#) / Pullup, Chest to Bar / Box Jump / Followed by one Sled Pull

Seriously, this had to suck on an epic level. April was wore out. She was sweating wet, but shivering because of the craziness of the day. Everyone was exhausted by then. 3 workouts already in one day, then this?!? Even the Event Judges seemed to be on edge. The crowd had thinned out as some competitors took their toys and went home since they did not get to proceed to the final WOD. Worked out great for us, that got us in better position to cheer on April.

My goodness, she rocked it. We yelled, we screamed and remembered to breathe once in a while. We jumped up and down and stood in awe when it was over. I cannot imagine doing that Sled Pull after all of the work she had done, but of course she pulled with all of her might and secured her slot at CrossFit Games Central East Regional.

Event First place finisher time –8:52
April’s time – 13:25

I have a cool video of April's final workout, but I cannot get it to upload now. If I can figure out what this techno tard is doing wrong, I will upload it for you all.

It was a long ride home that night; there was so much to think about. The idea that someone can accomplish completing all of those workouts in just one day was amazing. Add to that the idea that you are competing and so completing is not enough. But, it was not even that simple. Sure, you had your Heat to compete against and maybe that adrenaline would push you through. But, there were other Heats. To sit and watch others compete was a blessing and a curse. There was no way to control that outcome. What if your Heat was relatively slow? Then maybe you had less of a competitive advantage. April found a way to get this done on her own. Yeah, we cheered and we screamed and we wanted the best for her. Not just the few of us that got to travel over, but all of you who knew what was going on. But, in all reality, April did this amazing thing with her own strength and guts. And, she did it really well.

Thanks to Brad, April, and Brent B. for including me in on the fun. Next up for April is the Central East Regional. I think that you should all take the weekend of May 8 and 9, head to Logan, OH, and get your scream on. I know April would love to see more familiar faces in the crowd, and I am certain the experience will amaze you! I will be running the Mini Marathon in downtown Indy that morning, so I figure I better run quick so I don’t miss out any of the fun at Regionals!

I hate that I did not get better pictures of April, but the spectator area just did not lend itself well for that and she is too darned fast for my camera. I can only hope that this blog post somehow described how incredibly cool it was see what these athletes did, what CrossFit 180 April Garner did, and how hard she worked mentally and physically to make it Regionals. You go girl! The next time you see April wearing her Sectionals T Shirt, give her a pat on the back. That thing might not have diamonds on it, but it is prettier than any crown ever worn!

The only way to win is to do more work faster. Oh yeah, that's April!

For those who do not get to watch at Regionals, be sure to become a Fan of CrossFit 180 and Friend Jamie on FaceBook. I will keep the updates coming as best I can like I did for Sectionals. If I do get to talk to April, I will forward along all of your well wishes until you get to see her again.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

2010 CrossFit Road Trip ~ 1385 Miles of Smiles

When two gals spend 6 days in one car with 4 pieces of luggage, 2 lap top bags, 2 coolers, countless bags of groceries and attempt 8 workouts, stuff happens. Most of it is good, some of does not go as planned, and with the right attitude it all turns out funny. While our plan was to get through the workouts, it turned out we had fun getting lost, getting frustrated, getting stuck in car washes, and getting stuck in traffic. Here are just some of the things that happened along the way, in no particular order:

Hotel Location?
The maps were printed, hotel location identified, and nesting was definitely needed before the next workout. So, we arrived at said location. But, hmm… it had a different name than the one in memory. Umm… Oh, wait! Well, yeah. See, we wanted to stay at that hotel, but they had no open rooms. So, the reservation was for a room 20 miles away. But, the maps had not been updated. Whoops! Got cell phone navigation?

Car Wash
Ok, really? It is not the first time at this rodeo. But this time, it took three trips through the car wash to actually complete a wash rinse and dry cycle. For pity sake. We both just wanted to be in the hotel, use the bathroom and get ready for the next work out, but no… it just could not be quite as easy as entering the Wash Code and proceeding into the automatic car wash. I get it, this was a CrossFit Road Trip. We were supposed to do this by hand, and for time. Yeah, that’s it.

The hotel that we did have a reservation for and did end up finding after the car wash fiasco had a hot tub. Halelujah! And, it was warm and bubbly. And, there was an indoor pool. Hmm… wonder how cold the indoor pool would feel compared to the hot tub? I dare ya. Cannonball. On 3. or just after you say 3? I still did not believe Amanda would actually go for it. I figured she was pranking me, ‘cause she would. But, apparently not when it comes to a cannonball. Woot! I did jump, just a second late, when I saw how big her splash was, I had to make mine even better. I think she won.

De Pants-ing
Jamie’s mom and dad’s house is always fun.

This time was Amanda’s first time there, and we are pretty sure she will be invited back. And, Jamie’s twin sister was there too. John and Jeanne named her Christi when she was born. But, all in fun, she has been called many other things. She is a prankster. We were all standing in the kitchen while mom cooked up some sort of yummy vittles. Christi, thinking she is all cool, decides she should de pants Jamie. It did not work. Ha! I keep those gym pants tied when around Christi, I am wise to her shenanagins. Of course, Christi being the persistent one, and not caring that she has just met Amanda, goes in for a second attempt. With a shuffle and a sashe she strikes. But, FAIL. Instead of landing a successful tug, Christi landed flat on her back, with Amanda’s pants still in place. Sock feet and a hard wood floor make for slippery slope. It had the makings of a Saturday Night Live Skit ending with “Super Star!”

Snotty Communication
Both Amanda and Jamie had some nasty head cold going on. Sniffle and snort, bless you, cough, ugh, and blehk were a constant piece of our communication. But, we laughed a lot too. We were sick, but we had a sense of humor about it all. Good thing. At some point along the way, one was driving and the other was adjusting in the seat while trying to say something. But, instead the driver got snotted on. Ok, good that we are friends! Driver, "Here honey, need a tissue?" Passenger, "No, not now. But, now you do!" Driver, "Oh my gosh, you snotted me!"

Jamie Cheats on her Food Plan, and has some seriously ugly hair
Jamie had just told Amanda that she should NOT eat any of those pastries. The picture of the cinnamon roll enterring her mouth with that stellar hair do on her head says it all. Busted!

Maybe the new hair dryer will come in handy...

Dog Barking = Cheerleading
Jamie is scare of dogs. It comes from a dog incident years ago, and she makes it worse than it is. But, that is Jamie. Jamie has a brother who is engaged. The couple has a dog. Molly is a pit bull. Molly is a pretty girl.
Jamie is a scaredy cat. Literally, there were not enough furniture or floor space that could separate us. But, Jamie did try. Matt and Jamie found some quiet time and introduced Molly to Jamie and Jamie did not have a full on melt down.

When we could not find an open gym on Sunday, we headed to mom and dad’s basement. Matt’s fiancĂ©e, Jo Ellen, joined us. Yay! Molly came too. Molly was so concerned for Jo. Tabata is tough. Jo is tougher. Molly was vocal. Very vocal. It was loud and proud. At first, Jamie was scared to death and just kept working. Jamie eventually realized that the dog was cheering on Jo.

Beer Trucks and Steak Trucks
After workout 5, nothing sounded better than a hearty meal, a cold beer, and a massage. Driving down the road, still panting from the previous workout, it was there… right in front of us. A truck full of steaks.

And, then, the Beer Truck. It was like a mirage. Sort of. It was real, but not to be. No matter if we honked, or flashed our lights, we were surely not gonna get served. At the time, licking the side of either truck sounded like a good idea.

Stinky feet
There is something to be said for the land of lotions and potions that girls emerge from smelling like the wonderful women that we are. Then, there is the other side of the coin. Well, the other side of the foot maybe.

And, it is awful. When the phrase was exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, Febreeze your feet!” it was a fair statement. Given that the moment occurred in the car, it was just not fair. “Is that really your feet!?!”. I think we had about two more hours to drive. While the situation was certainly naturally occurring, the only solution was a shower and the disposal of those shoes, never to be worn again.

John Mayer ~ Off tune, too
You know how John Mayer makes funny faces while he sings, but we try to ignore it ‘cause he is a talented musician? Well, the same thing goes for what your face does while picking up heavy stuff. That is what full on effort looks like, baby!

We are both pretty glad that no one caught our renditions of Girl Scout Camp Songs or the Colbie Caillait Concert.

And, all the while the car told the tale of our journey.

Next blog post will include Jamie’s summary of the CrossFit Sectionals. I know that there is just no way I can put into words the coolness that it was, but I am willing to give it a shot. Posts that are coming up after that one: The importance of rest and sleep, Peanuts, Food Labels, and Where I get my Info From. What else do you want to read about?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CrossFit Road Trip ~ WOD 8, The Final WOD

For those of you not in the know, WOD is workout of the day. It was only fitting that this gem of a trip would end where it all began for Amanda and I - with CrossFit 180 at Lebanon Sports and Fitness. This trip was about so much more than the number of air squats or total pounds picked up. It was mentally draining, physically fatiguing and down right crazy.

We showed up, just in the nick of time for the final workout of the trip. We were exhausted and scared to death that we would not be able to finish it, no matter what it was.

With one final slam of the brakes and set of air squats to warm up, it was on.

180 WOD, 03-01-10
30 seconds Wall Ball
30 seconds Box Jump
Rest One Minute
10 Rounds, track your total.

Wall Ball, 10 lb for first 5 Rounds, 12 lb for last 5 Rounds - 130
Bleacher Step Ups - 131

Wall Ball, 10 lb - 143
Bleacher Step Ups - 131
And then, Let The Bodies Hit the Floor!
Lessons Learned:
It is time for a great big shout out to CrossFit 180. We don't know how you guys have done it, but the formula here is perfect. We saw alot of cool equipment while out on the road and we got some amazing feedback. But, with all of that said, we like our home gym the best. One thing that no gym has got on the 180 is the people. We missed you all terribly. Working out with each of you is an honor, and we just can't wait to sweat with ya again.
We went into this workout thinking it was the Final WOD. But, we realize now that it certainly is not. Life continues, WOD's will continue to face us, and we will continue to do our very best with each and every one.
The funny thing is, after it was all said and done, we both just want to do it again, Harder. And so, we will. Who is up for a 2011 CrossFit 180 RoadTrip? Sound off peeps, let me know what you would want to do, and why. What motivates you to take on the next challenge?

Please stay tuned for one more 2010 Road Trip blog post. We gotta share the funny stuff that happened along the way. I promise pics to tell the story well.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CrossFit Road Trip ~ WOD 7, The Total Package

Oh yeah, we are on the home stretch, and we were ready for a big ole Challenge. Amanda is new enough to CrossFit that she had not yet had the chance to do CrossFit Total. And, since she had gotten so much one on one coaching over the course of this trip, it just made sense to see how far she had really come. And, for Jamie – it was time to get over that 215 DeadLift.

CrossFit Old School @ Bowling Green, KY was the place to be on Monday morning. This place is 100% awesome.

The is a new Box that has just opened for business, and they are off to a stellar start.

We arrived on time and without any mapping or address issues (Finally. Ha!) and got a welcome from Erin. This gal just returned from the Arkansas Olympic Lift Certification the night before, and was surely a bit whipped. But, like all folks at the gym, could not have been nicer to us. Bob helped us onto the Concept 2 Rowers and showed us around the equipment. Amanda had rowed before, but Jamie had not. OK, I need to row more often. Those things are way cool.

CrossFit Total
Maximum weight on each:

Strict Shoulder Press
Dead Lift
Back Squat – done with free weights, not Smith Machine.

I went into the workout knowing it would either be a really cool idea, or it might lack a little luster. Amanda and I had already pushed ourselves further than we had before during this adventure. We were determined to find the energy to have some fun picking up heavy stuff, but I was not sure our bodies would let us put big numbers on the board. But, check this out, WE DID!

Shoulder Press
Jamie – 45, 65, 75
Amanda – 45, 65

Dead Lift
Jamie – Previous PR was 215.
145, 165, 195, 215, 235

Amanda – Previous PR was 95
65, 95, 115, 135, 145, 165, 175

Back Squat
Jamie – Previous PR was 130 on a Smith Machine
95, 105, 115, 125

Amanda – Previous PR was 95
95, 105, 115, 125

And so, there ya have it. You can't if ya don't even try. Go For It!

WOD 7, DONE, Well!!

CrossFit Old School is a place you should all stop by to visit! When ya do, tell 'em we said hello!!

Lessons Learned: Take more pictures! As Amanda and I have looked back on this trip, the pictures have been a source of giggles. Lots of giggles. (We will be posting an Out Takes blog later – you guys gotta see some the shenanigans!) But, in all seriousness, we learned a lot from the pictures that showed form mistakes.

Next Post will be all about our HomeComing WOD back at the 180. And, I do think it is fair to say that both Amanda and I have truly done a mental 180. This has been one crazy ride. Thanks CrossFit, you make us Rock!