Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where does she get this stuff?

It's a small world after all...

When you think about the wealth of 'wisdom' that is on the internet, magazines, TV, etc. regarding working out, health, fitness, diet, etc. it is not surprising that some of it is interesting, most of it is commercialized, some of it is garbage, and only some of it is worth the paper it were printed on (if you actually chose to print it). In the CrossFit community, it seems like there are a few well respected resources that we can lean on.

Blogs -
These are the posts of other affiliates. Often they talk about a road they have been down, and I don't know that there is anything more valuable that someone's own truth. But, their perspective may not fit you. The information is good, but you do have to put it into context. It is up to you to decide if the information fits well for you and your needs. It may not, that does not hurt my feelings. In fact, if it does not, I would like to know why not. Help me see your perspective so that I can link to information that has more use to more of the 180 peeps.
I happen to be a big fan of Whole. Whole 9, Whole life, etc. They have it going on. I believe that they do indeed have the Whole Package. It used to be Byers gets Diesel, then Urban gets Diesel. Now, it is just plain awesome. But, they are Paleo. And, CrossFit is not, exactly. More on that in a few.

CrossFit Journal -
Well, let's be honest. It is equivalent to the bible. It is some good stuff! The only reason that I do not link you to it in my blog posts is that not every 180 member subscribes to the Journal and so the links will not always work. But, let me make it clear, that it DOES HAVE Good STUFF. The fact that the subscription is so cheap should not at all make you think IT is cheap.
My Own Life -
No, I do not at all think that I know it all. I just have a big mouth. I don't mind sharing my opinions, my experiences, or my insight (if I may be so bold) with you guys. I do not think that I am all that different from you all. I would like to think that we share some common concerns, similar goals, and similar questions. Here is where I need your help. I need to know more about your questions and concerns. If you need me to elaborate on a point I have made before, or even defend it better, please speak up! If you need me to trial an idea for you, I just might!

Which leads me to the final point. Some of you know about it, and some of you don't. I have been thinking about this one for months, and I think I have finally decided to do something about it. CrossFit official stance on nutrition is Zone. I happen to subscribe to Paleo. There is a big 'ole controversy going on behind the scenes regarding Paleo vs. Zone and I don't really care how that part is going to all get settled. I do care how it impacts me, my health, my gym performance, and my mental fortitude. But (here comes my list of excuses that are one notch above lame) between working full time, going to grad school, working out with the stellar CrossFit 180 folks, participating in my recovery from cancer, having a good life, and generally being easily distracted, I have never gotten on the Zone bandwagon 'cause I have way too much to do than measure and weigh everything I consume. Maybe it is time. Maybe, if I am going to say that Paleo serves me best, maybe I need to know how Zone treats me. And, so, once this awful Spring Semester that I swear has lasted for an eternity plus two, I am gonna go into the Zone. I am going to give it fair shot. I think I need to do it for at least two months so that I can say I truly worked the program, and I will probably have oodles of opinions to share along the way.
Between now and then, here are some posts that are coming up:
Food Labels
Why Peanuts should only be appreciated as the comic strip rather than a food source
Whatever you want me to.
Please sound off - who is still in on the PushUp / SitUp Challenge. 30 was the day I could no longer do consecutive pushups and complete the day's requirement. It was slow at the end, but I got 'em. How 'bout you? What is your magic number?
Also, please do not forget about the CrossFit 180 folks who are preparing to run the Indy 500 Festival Mini Marathon and April Garner who is preparing for CrossFit Regionals. The month of May at CrossFit 180 is gonna rock!