Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sweet Series on Exercise is coming. For now, please chew on this


I think by now you all know that I think these guys get "it". I like their no nonsense approach, the straight forward information, and those AHA! moments that I seem to have while reading their stuff.

I have heard rumblings lately about how some of you are trying to kick sugar out of your Food Plan. Congrats! My last blog post was about how to read labels, and some of the trickery involved when thinking about words like Low Fat and Organic. Well, the Whole9 peeps have out done themselves again. There are alot of synonyms for the word sugar.

Read their post on Sugar using the link at the top of this post. While you guys digest that, I am working on a series about exercise, what it does to our bodies, the need for rest, and what happens during recovery / rest.