Monday, January 24, 2011


Here are 10 foods everyone should have in their diet:
1. Blueberries. Contain the highest amount of antioxidants per capacity than any other fruit. A great alternative is strawberries. One 53 calorie cup has more vitamin C than an orange. These berries may also help reduce blood pressure and control levels of stress hormones. They are also a great help to ease muscle pain and soreness after one of our WOD's.

2. Red Wine or Beer. (There you go Joy!) They are made with an antioxidant rich plant. Women who drink one drink a day, wine or beer have lower risk of developing high blood pressure than nondrinkers. Beer has also been linked to higher bone density.

3. Almonds or Peanuts. Nuts have been proven to lower both total and bad cholesterol. It can be a great weight loss snack. People who eat peanuts and peanut products tend to have lower BMIs than those who nix them. Stick to one-quarter cup of peanuts or two tablespoons daily.

4. Tomatoes or White Button Mushrooms. These two are very high in antioxidants! Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene which helps protect against cancer and heart disease. Mushrooms contain vitamin D, which aids calcium absorption for strong bones.

5. Flaxseeds or Sunflower Seeds. These seeds are packed with omega-3 fats and fiber. One-quarter cup has three grams of fiber to help keep you full, plus almost half your daily requirement for antioxidant-boosting vitamin E.

6. Broccoli or Cauliflower. Broccoli is packed with vitamin C and may fight cancer. One cup of cauliflower supplies about 3/4 of the vitamin C you need daily.

7. Salmon or Trout. Packed with omega-3's, these foods are the best sources of healthy fatty acids you can find. These fats reduce inflammation, lowering your risk for cardiovascular disease and even easing post-workout soreness. The American Heart Association recommends getting two servings of fatty fish per week; one three-and-a-half-ounce trout fillet give you half the recommended amount.

8. Olive Oil. This oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, which has been shown to fight the dreaded-and dangerous-muffin top. Some experts believe that when this belly fat wraps around your internal organs, it may release fatty acids into your liver and trigger insulin resistance, which is linked to diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

9. Edamame or Black Beans. Edamame supplies four grams of fiber in just a half cup, and a healthy dose of protein. Cooked black beans, which have 7.5 grams of fiber per half cup, get extra points for having tons of healthy plant compounds called phytochemicals.

10. Brown Rice or Barley. Brown rice is a super side dish contains more nutrients, minerals and cholesterol-lowering fiber than its white counterpart. With Barley, you can get 16 grams of fiber per half cup!

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