Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CrossFit Road Trip ~ WOD 1, The Genesis

It. Is. On.

CrossFit 180 @ Lebanon Sports and Fitness

WOD 1, Done.
Let's talk about the workout first, because it warrants its own 1o minutes of fame. April led the 180 crew tonight, and that always means that your legs will be dead when you have finished your pain fest.

1 min each of:
jumping air squats
Med Ball V-ups, or crunches if your name is Jamie
Goblet Squat with a 35 pound Kettle Bell, or 25 if your name is Amanda
Weighted walking lunges with 25 pounds overhead, or 10 pounds if your name is Jamie
Rest 1 Min
Keeping track of total number of reps per round
**last round 2 min rest before it starts...Beat your best round**

Jamie's numbers, per round:

Amanda got 95 on her first round but could no longer count and workout at the same time after Round 1. Suffice it to say, if you cannot count, you are working hard enough.

So, here is the thing. Some parts of this trip are gonna to suck on an epic level. Neither Amanda nor Jamie is really ready for the physical challenge that this is. Wait, yes we are. We are ready because we CrossFit. We are ready because we decided we are. CrossFit is amazing in a lot of ways. One of the coolest things about it is the mental strength you gain. Wonder how much of that we have? Stay tuned! It will be interesting to see what Revelations we stumble onto along the way...

If you think you CAN, or you think you CAN'T, you ARE RIGHT. And, you can’t do it if you don’t even try. In the words of 'The Great One' (yes a tribute to THE famous Candian hockey Player, Wayne Gretsky), "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Tomorrow the adventure includes a 10 am workout in Louisville, KY and then a 6 pm workout in Nashville, TN. We will post more pics and links as time permits.

The coolers are packed, and the beds are turned down. As if we could actually sleep - we are too excited! Please post questions and comments, we will respond ASAP! Provided our arms have ceased shaking.... Links are embedded with exercise demos for those not in the know.
I think this might hurt a little tomorrow… Oh, who am I kidding. I know its gonna hurt! I am ok with that. Big sweaty hugs to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Ha. Jamie - you are hilarious and a total inspiration!!! You two have a great time. Can't wait to read your blogs. Not sure of time zone in KY, but looks like about an hour before WOD. Good luck and be safe!!
