Thursday, February 25, 2010

CrossFit Road Trip ~ WOD 2, The Exodus (The Second beginning of the Road Trip)

This road trippin’ stuff is cool, but sort of complicated. The morning round up did not go as quickly as we had thought it would. So, mad dash south to Louisville started us out feeling a bit on edge.

But, as most things do when you decide to handle it with grace, it turned out just fine.

IronBody Fitness @ Louisville, Kentucky

This is an awesome place to work out. Dave Randolph and his Iron Body Fitness facility are currently a CrossFit Affiliate but focuses his peeps on Kettle Bell work. When we arrived we watched Jeanette work the bells with perfect form. Then, Dave taught us how to do it just like Jeanette. He walked us through push ups – who knew we had some opportunities for improvement on such a primary movement. Once we got warmed up and shook out the stiffness from last night’s WOD, he put us to work.

Kettle Bell Swings, two hand and one handed:
Wow! Jamie lets her bell fall too low rather than back on the down swing. Amanda swings her bell too high up on the up swing.
Ok, fine. Our KB Swings were broken. Thanks Dave.

Goblet Squat
Jamie is knock kneed. What a hoot, he had us all tied in bands to ensure our focus was on proper form.

Kettle Bell Press
Keep it tight, keep it close – just like those you love. Then, send it straight up and don’t go forward.

One Legged Dead Lift
When doing a one legged dead lift, you can pick up more than 50% of your traditional dead lift weight total. However, Jamie has no skills at balancing and had a hard time working through the movement even without any weights. Amanda has right side balance, but could not find any on her left side. Hmmm… we all knew she was a bit off.

Dave even talked us through some squat form and running concepts. While we did not get in a traditional work out, we spent an hour working up a great sweat and enjoyed some amazing feedback from a KB Certified expert.

Lessons Learned: It is great to get feedback from fresh eyes, and everyone has a different perspective that should be considered.

Dave – Big ups to your gym, the focus on form, and the hospitality! We will spread the word that your spot is a great place to stop!

And, then it was off to the hotel. Yeah, and then there was that one issue with the directions. The biggest problem was that Jamie used the wrong address when printing out maps for the trip. Amanda is generally directionally challenged. We did find the hotel listed in the directions. But, it is not the hotel that had the reservation. Cell Phone Navigation to the rescue. Along the way we stopped for gasoline and a car wash. This is not something that is normally blog worthy, but this time it was.

Drive in.
Hear the beep and see the Red Lights. STOP.
Apply Brake.
Put car in Park.
See soap hit the car.
A long time.

Go into the gas station, request another wash. Approved.
Drive in.
Hear the beep and see the Red Lights. STOP.
Apply Brake.
Put car in Park.
Apply Emergency Brake.
See soap hit the car.
A long time.

Ok. Let’s do it different this time.
Get out of the car, run around the building twice, jump up and down on one foot, stand on our heads, all while singing ‘Yankee Doodle Dandee’.
Hear the beep and see the Red Lights. STOP. Apply Brake.
Put car in Park.
Apply Emergency Brake.
See soap hit the car.
And then rinse water, too.


We managed to find the neighborhood that tonight’s workout facility is in. We are building our nests in our Nashville hotel. Yes, the one that was expecting us. Ahh!

WOD 3, T – 1 hour and 50 minutes and its gonna be DEAD LIFTS!
Note to embedded link viewers: The links do not do a good enough job of explaining the finer points we learned today, but we hope you get the general idea.

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